Arrangement for Parking Lots and Traffic Movements of Existing Car Park near University Station

To facilitate the demolition works of Staff Quarter Block E, the permanent closure of 2 nos. of existing car parking lots and the permanent change of traffic movement shall be started from 27 September 2023 (24 hours). Please refer to below diagrams for the location. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


為配合崇基學院教職員宿舍E座之拆卸工程,近崇基教職員宿舍E座的2個停車位將於 2023年9月27日起永久封閉,停車場的行駛方向亦於 2023年9月27日起永久更改,詳細請參閱以下位置圖,不便之處,敬請原諒。